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Scoring Programs

The PairsScorer Suite is a series of programs that are automatically installed by the BOS setup. Select the type of tournament that you want to run. See the BridgeScorer manual and/or inbuilt Help for further advice.

ASE-Bridge and GLBX are installed in demo mode.

You have to install the other scoring programs separately BEFORE you can run them from BOS. Once installed they will open up as the other alternatives. Note that it might be necessary for you to reinstall BOS if you install a scoring program when BOS exists.

ACBLscore is free to download and there is a brief description on how to run it in the BridgeScorer manual.

Magic Contest (Ruter) is a special case explained on a separate page

Other scoring programs
You can connect every scoring software that can read/write the required database format. The details are explained on a separate page

Networking is explained on a separate page

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