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Server licence

The BridgeTab app is free of charge, but you need a licence to run the BridgeTab Server. This licence is also free of charge during a test period. You only have to pay a small fee per table if you like what you got and want to use BridgeTabs continuously.

The cost for the server licence is based on the (maximum) number of tables that you (can) connect to it.

You can buy a licence for any period of time, but please note that the cost per day drops in steps according to the scale below:

30 days
90 days
180 days
365 days
10 years

You will find the exact terms on the Shop page

Note that you should buy a dongle BEFORE buying licences if you want to use the licences on more than one PC, c.f. the Shopping Tips page.

SERVICE PACKS (optional)
The inbuilt Help is included in the Server Licence. We recommend that you buy a service pack that gives you access to personal support from start, however.
Examples of
service packs are given on the Service packs page and the exact details are found in the Shop.

See the Shopping Tips page if you need further advice about licences and/or service packs.

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